Sunday, March 31, 2013

Farmin' Along

Happy Resurrection Day! I love celebrating how Christ conquered the grave-what an awesome event!

About this time last year I started the infamous Farmer's Wife sampler quilt. Have you heard of it? The book includes letters from 1920s farm wives who responded to a question posed by The Farmer's Wife magazine-If you had a daughter of marriageable age, would you, in light of your own experience, want her to marry a farmer? The letters are pretty fascinating, but then I've always had a flair for history and trying to imagine another place and time. Anyway, along with the letters are instructions and templates for 111 different blocks (eee-gads!) from that time period. Quite a challenge. Most definitely a long-term project. As in, hopefully done before my hair is grey. I first saw an online FWQA here, and was inspired by all the beautiful blocks people were making, pairing traditional block designs with contemporary fabrics and colors.

So one year later and I've got 25 blocks done. Not quite a quarter of the way there-ha! But it's all about the enjoying the process, right? And I LOVE these blocks. Even though they're time consuming, they're still so fun to make. I like choosing the fabrics and seeing each block take shape.

Here are a few close-ups of my favorites so far. This first one is cut glass dish. I love that Nicey Jane fabric in squares.

Second is country farm. The deep navy blue really makes this star pop.

Finally-country path. When I first saw this block in the book I wasn't sold. But after seeing translating it to fabric form-lovely.

This weekend I've been working on these next two blocks. Lots of little pieces to cut! Which, by the way, Camille has some nice time-saving tips for cutting and assembling these blocks which I've found really helpful.

More FW blocks to come!


1 comment:

  1. I really want to work on this after seeing you have two more blocks done. Not a great idea since I have a lot of other "projects" started. Thanks for sharing that link for time saving tips. I will be using some of those for sure!
